From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

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Develop an opportunity

Develop an opportunity

- [Instructor] In Dynamics 365 for Sales, the Develop stage is actually the second stage of our sales process. But if you don't qualify leads this would be the beginning of your process. In the Develop stage we will work extensively with our customers. What we're developing is we're developing expertise in a set of information. We're developing relationships with a particular customer. We want to really understand and probe the customer needs so that we can propose a solution that is going to meet that need. During the Develop stage we want to know who all the stakeholders are so that once we have a solution we know who needs to review it. And if we can we want to identify our competitors. Who else is the customer turning to or may they turn to to address this need. Let's take a look at our open opportunity. This is the opportunity that we created from a qualified lead, Robin Riley, wanting alternative energy options for the headquarters building for BlueJam. The first thing I want to…
