From the course: Learning Local SEO

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Understanding general versus local SEO

Understanding general versus local SEO

From the course: Learning Local SEO

Understanding general versus local SEO

- [Instructor] As a business owner, you need to be where your customers are at, and that's online. Almost a third of online consumers in the United States use the internet to search for local businesses daily. A third! The internet is where many of your customers go to first to try and find local businesses like yours. That means you need to be found online in search results to get more customers. Search engine optimization is one way to do that. Search engine optimization, or SEO, are strategies you use on and off your website to help your web pages rank as high as possible on search engines when people type in search words relevant to your business and whatever products or services you sell or offer. Local SEO are more specific strategies that help local businesses rank higher in search results when people are searching for businesses that are close to their physical location. Let's look at an example of a general…
