From the course: Learning Local SEO

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Hyperboosting your GMB listing

Hyperboosting your GMB listing

From the course: Learning Local SEO

Hyperboosting your GMB listing

- [Instructor] Having a complete and updated Google My Business listing shows Google that you care about providing content to searchers. It also makes your listing stand out. Just look at these two knowledge panels, the non-optimized listing shows just a Google photo of the outside of the building and the Google maps location, there's no business hours, website, or any other information about this business. Whereas the optimized listing has a ton of information, you can find their website, photos, find answers to questions, read reviews and more. Let's talk about some of the most important features you should focus on when optimizing your Google My Business listing. First, you should download the Google My Business app which is available for Android and Apple devices. Having the app alerts you to real-time updates like when you get a new review or when you get a message. Creating a post is another great way to show off…
