From the course: Learning Local SEO

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Getting local backlinks

Getting local backlinks

- [Instructor] As you try and get your site to rank higher, one strategy you should implement is link building. Backlinks are links on another site that links back to your site. The search engines follow those links. And if they're quality sites, search engine see these backlinks as a vote of confidence that your site has worthwhile information on it. When it comes to backlinks, quality over quantity is what matters. Google says it's better to have a few high-quality backlinks to your site than hundreds of spammy, irrelevant backlinks. So don't focus on the total number of links. Instead, target sites that have related content to what your business is about, what you do or sell, your industry, or the city you're located in. Some quick backlink wins are your suppliers, customers, or contractors. All of them have good reasons to link to your website. Just contact businesses you already work with and offer to write a…
