From the course: Learning Local SEO
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Exploring local ranking factors
From the course: Learning Local SEO
Exploring local ranking factors
- [Instructor] When you do a search for a local business like a restaurant or a mechanic, if you're like most people, you probably click on one of the links towards the top of the search results. People tend to trust and click on the links on the first page of the search results. Let me give you some proof. The average click rate for the first position on Google is 28.5%. After the first position, the clicks go downhill from there. That means if your website doesn't show up in the top 10 results, the likelihood of someone clicking on the link to your site goes down dramatically. But what can you do to rank high in local search results? Ranking higher for local searches requires a combination of different local SEO strategies. It's not one thing that will help you rank higher. It's a combination of strategies. Here are just some of the top local ranking factors that can lead to higher rankings. Let's briefly talk about each…
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