From the course: Learning Local SEO
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Anatomy of local search results
From the course: Learning Local SEO
Anatomy of local search results
- [Instructor] When you're getting started with local SEO, it's important to understand how local search results look so you can determine the best strategies you should use to help your site rank higher. Let's look at different searches so you can get an idea of how different searches yield very different results. As I show you these examples, I'll explain common local SEO vocabulary you need to learn to understand how search elements show up and what information is displayed. First, let's do a search for bakeries Orlando, Florida. As you can see, at the top is the Google local 3-Pack. This is the prime position every local business wants to be in. And if you click on view all, you'll see the local finder. This again is more local businesses that have claimed their Google My Business listing and they show incredibly detailed information about each business. And if we go back to the organic results, you'll see that Yelp is…
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