From the course: Learning LinkedIn: Power Your Professional Journey
Optimize your LinkedIn profile with keywords - LinkedIn Tutorial
From the course: Learning LinkedIn: Power Your Professional Journey
Optimize your LinkedIn profile with keywords
- [Instructor] Throughout this course, I've mentioned the importance of including keywords, which are words specific to your situation or industry that people might be searching for on LinkedIn. Most people that come across your profile will do so through the LinkedIn search bar or from recommendations by LinkedIn. In order to take advantage of this, you need to feed the algorithm with the words that are being searched for. So how do you know which keywords to use? Now, of course, the keywords will be completely different for everyone depending on your industry, your role, and your purpose for using LinkedIn. But I want to share a few strategies that you can use to start finding the right keywords. The first is to see what keywords others are using. Up at the top in the search bar, I'm going to type in program manager, which is the role that Julie has. Now, when I do this, I get all of these different filters at the top and I can select which category I want to search in. For this one, I'm going to go to People. Now, this will bring up the LinkedIn profiles of people who have "program manager" in it, and it's showing me that I have over 3.9 million results, so there are a ton of them. Now, take a look at some of these profiles that have the same job or same industry. Find ones that stand out to you, read their summaries, look for words that are commonly being used in these profiles. Another way is to look at company pages. I'm going to go back to that search bar and type in Microsoft. Once I'm in here, I'm actually going to back up, 'cause I was still in People. So I want to go to the top and type in Microsoft. And from these filters, this time I'm going to select Companies. Now, here we have Microsoft, I can navigate there. And this will bring you to the company page. So company pages have a ton of relevant information on them. They tell you about the company, they have posts from the company, jobs that they're posting, Life and People. So here you could go and look at company pages to see which keywords they're using. Next, a good place to find keywords is in job postings. So say I go up to the top, and again I'll type in program manager. And this time I want to go to Jobs. So up at the top, I'll select Jobs, and these are different program manager jobs that I could search. Now, when I click on one of them, to the right, it's going to give me a description of the job, responsibilities, qualifications, and more. So take a look at some of these jobs to find keywords that people are using. Finally, I would use AI, a tool like ChatGPT. You could give it some context and ask it for keywords, or copy and paste some job descriptions and see what keywords it recommends. Then use these keywords organically when talking about yourself, your job experience, educational experience, or so on. Take the time to find keywords that will help your profile stand out and use LinkedIn as a research tool to help you find these words. Then make sure you're strategically including them in your LinkedIn profile in order to improve your visibility.