From the course: Learning Craft Photography
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Tagging images for search engine optimization
From the course: Learning Craft Photography
Tagging images for search engine optimization
Any craft blogger will tell you what a great feeling it is when one of their posts goes viral. And all of a sudden, there's an influx of traffic, a huge spike in your statistics, and a lot of comments just on one specific blog post or craft project that you've put together. So, when that happens, it can be chance, it can be luck, it can be that you just happen to put together a very well written and poignant blog post with lovely photographs. But there can be more to it as well. You can encourage this chain of events, this influx of traffic, by optimizing your craft photos for search engines. And search engine optimization might sound like a scary term that makes you just want to zone out a little bit, but it's really as simple as this. If you were having a dinner party, and you wanted all of your friends to come over to that party, wouldn't you want to tell them that your were hosting a dinner party? Wouldn't you send out invitations and let them know? If you just thought in your…
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