From the course: iOS 18: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
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Undo send - iOS Tutorial
From the course: iOS 18: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
Undo send
If you've ever regretted sending an email immediately after tapping the Send button, for example, if you forgot to include some important information or an attachment, you'll appreciate that Mail includes an Undo Send feature that gives you a short window of time to stop that email from being delivered. So here I have an email that I'm writing, but before I send it, let's go back to the home screen, to Settings, Apps, and then Mail, and we'll scroll all the way down to the bottom here, where we'll find the Undo Send Delay settings. Here you can choose to delay sending emails for 10, 20, or 30 seconds after you tap the Send button, or you can turn this off to have no delay and have your email sent immediately. I'll keep 30 seconds set for this example, and let's go back to the email I was writing. By the way, a related feature of Mail is the ability to schedule when an email is sent. If I tap and hold on the Send button here in the upper right-hand corner, I get the option to send now,…