From the course: iOS 18: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
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Manage bookmarks, history, and favorites - iOS Tutorial
From the course: iOS 18: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
Manage bookmarks, history, and favorites
As with all other web browsers, you can save your favorite or frequently visited web pages in Safari as bookmarks, which lets you load those web pages with a single tap instead of having to manually type in their addresses each time. First, browse to the page you want to bookmark. I'm here on the website for the LinkedIn Learning blog. I'm going to tap the Share button at the bottom of the screen, and from the list of options here, you can find Add Bookmark and Add to Favorites. So if this is a site you visit a lot, you can make it a favorite, and I'll tap Save. So now when I tap in the address field, we can see it here under Favorites. But let's see how to bookmark a page too for those pages you don't need to access as quickly as favorites. I'm going to tap the Tab button in the lower right-hand corner, and I have another web page open here for the Landon Hotel. Again, I'll tap the Share button, and I'll choose Add Bookmark. That opens up the Add Bookmarks screen. The first field is…