From the course: iOS 18: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
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iPadOS-only keyboard features - iOS Tutorial
From the course: iOS 18: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
iPadOS-only keyboard features
So far, everything we've seen in this chapter about working with text works on both iPhones and iPads, but there are also features that are available only on the iPad. For example, we saw earlier that in addition to placing the cursor anywhere in your text by dragging it around, you can also hold your finger down on the space bar to go into trackpad mode, and that allows you to see the cursor move around on the text itself, which can make it easier to place since your finger isn't in the way. And, again, that's available on both iPhones and iPads. But on the iPad, you can also move the cursor by placing two fingers anywhere on the screen and dragging. So that doesn't have to be on the keyboard. You can also select text by placing two fingers anywhere on the screen and pausing for a second. Selection cursor will appear as soon as you start dragging, letting you drag to select the text. If you need to make adjustments to either selection handle, you can still do so by dragging them just…