From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers
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Using influence to advocate for your team
From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers
Using influence to advocate for your team
- Let's face it, your boss is busy. They probably lack time and have their own stressors to respond to. That's why you need to take control and advocate for the resources and access you and your team need to be successful. Before we talk tactics, a quick story. When the first automated teller machine, ATM came out, it was easy, convenient, and quickly became a huge hit. Consumers today are three times more likely to use an ATM versus a human teller. Yet, overall satisfaction with the banking experience has gone down. Why? It's because of operational transparency, or the lack thereof. When customers lacked visibility into the banking process, they became less trusting and less loyal. On the other hand, when people see the work going on behind the scenes, they tend to value a service more, and perceive the provider as experienced and thoughtful. You can apply operational transparency to your own work by making your…
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