From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers

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Pushing back tactfully

Pushing back tactfully

- As a leader, you have a responsibility to not only protect your time, but also your team's bandwidth so that they can make their highest and best contribution. But when you have a lot on your plate and a manager or a peer asks your team to do even more, it can be challenging to figure out how to decline or assert yourself. Here are a few ways to play defense while keeping your reputation intact. If you are recovering people pleaser like me, then your first reaction to a request may be, "Sure we can do that." A willingness to help is admirable, but it can quickly get you and your team in trouble. So put space between the request and your acceptance. Instead of auto accommodating, you might say, "Thanks for thinking of us. Let me circle back after I have a chance to discuss it with my lead," or, "That's a great idea. Before we commit, let's sit down and figure out how we could prioritize this." You'll also need to…
