From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers
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Navigating power struggles
From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers
Navigating power struggles
- I'm often asked, what do I do if a coworker keeps stealing credit for my work? It can be infuriating to see a colleague pass your idea off as their own. In the moment, do your best to stay calm and set the record straight. Chime in and say something like "It was great collaborating on the project John mentioned while his team led execution. Our team was responsible for strategy and were so happy with the results." Appealing to the person's sense of justice and morality can be powerful as well. For example, "I'm sure you've been in situations when someone represented your idea as their own, so you know it doesn't feel good. I hope you understand that's the position I'm in right now and understand how I feel. What would you do if you were in my shoes?" It's still important to set a boundary and make it clear that your colleague's behavior is not cool. You can say, "I've realized there's a lot to cover in these meetings…
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