From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers

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Myths and truths about influence

Myths and truths about influence

- There's lots of misconceptions about influence, and they may be standing in the way of you implementing this important skill. So I want to open your mind as to how leadership influence can create a triple win, one that is in the best interest of you, your team, and your organization as a whole. The most common myth I hear is that influence is manipulation in disguise. Perhaps you've shied away from developing and exercising influence in the past because you didn't want to be perceived as sneaky or petty. Manipulation and influence are related, but they're not the same, even if the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. They're separated by intent and impact. For instance, consider a teacher, mentor, or friend who has had a powerful effect on your life. They probably influenced you through integrity, transparency, and empathy, not through deviousness or a hidden agenda. Influence is moving someone toward a desired…
