From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers

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Modeling the way

Modeling the way

- When my husband and I first got engaged, a friend said, "You two are a perfect match. You speak the same way. You laugh the same way. You even pause to think in the same way." This is the power of mirroring. When we observe others' behavior, special neurons fire in our brain, causing us to mimic them. Whether you realize it or not, your actions are influencing your team on a daily basis. As the person with more power, others are watching how you behave, react, and respond very closely. Tone comes from the top. So let's talk about how you can use your leadership influence to model the behavior you want to see. Start by reflecting on what it means to be a leader others want to follow? Put yourself in your team's shoes. What type of manager would you want to work for every day? Likewise, take stock of where you might be acting in or out of alignment with what's important to you. How you spend your time is a signal…
