From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers

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Influencing different personalities

Influencing different personalities

- I love plants, but I have almost zero green thumb. I've learned the hard way that you can't take care of a succulent and a spider plant in the same way. Succulents love sunlight and only need a little water, while spider plants are thirsty and thrive best in indirect light. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to plant care, and there's not one to leadership influence either. Each of your team members needs a slightly different approach to help them grow and develop in the best way possible. Research has found that team personalities can be grouped into two primary styles. There's dominance or how much someone attempts to control situations or the thoughts and actions of others. The other dimension is sociability or how much someone shows emotions and wants to interact with others. This leads to four different influence styles. First, we have commanders who are direct and focused on results. They like to work at a…
