From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers

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Getting executive buy-in

Getting executive buy-in

- Imagine you are presenting your team's quarterly earnings to the executive committee. You rehearse and prepare for weeks! But when the meeting starts, your heart starts pounding. Your hands begin to shake. You control your nerves enough to make it through your first few points. But then the chief financial officer chimes in with a question that catches you off guard. Then, the CEO interjects. Before you know it, the meeting ends without you having the chance to get your presentation back on track. If this has happened to you, you are not alone. I see professionals make several common mistakes when trying to persuade executives. First, leading with context. You may think background details are helpful but they can obscure your message and bore execs quickly. Second, rambling: a longer presentation does not equal greater value. Executives value brevity. It signals your mastery over a subject. And third, over…
