From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers

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Developing organizational awareness

Developing organizational awareness

- Leadership influence isn't only about tactics it's also strategy and mindset. Specifically, developing organizational awareness. Seeing the invisible web of connections and climate within your company. This skill requires that you suss out unwritten rules and norms, hidden roadblocks, and the people who have more power than their titles suggest. To be successful and exert influence at any level, you need to be able to navigate the complexities of human networks and the patterns of values, emotions and power within your company. In fact, according to a University of Toronto study, the people who make the greatest contribution to change are those who can read and maneuver informal networks, a skill that isn't necessarily correlated with formal position. In other words, being the boss is less important than understanding who is connected to whom, the quality of those relationships and the explicit and implicit ways work…
