From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers

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Building a braintrust

Building a braintrust

- When you need to influence the strategy of an organization, you need a strong network of people. People who can push you to think differently, open doors, and support you through challenges. What you need is a braintrust. The term braintrust originated in the early 1930s when US President Franklin D. Roosevelt organized a group of advisors for expertise on important issues. And since then, many world leaders have relied on braintrust to meet their goals. So, why shouldn't you? Here are six people to have in your corner. First is the connector, who boost your visibility and knowledge share through their web of resources. Look for someone who always knows who to contact, how to maintain relationships across departments, functions, or fields, and is good at making introductions. Second is the expert. Someone who is familiar with the topic or issue you are trying to tackle. You won't have time to learn…
