From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers
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Assess your leadership influence
From the course: Influence Skills for Leaders and Managers
Assess your leadership influence
- Every day, I talk to accomplished leaders who doubt their impact. They pull me aside and whisper confessions like: I want to have a seat at the table, but I don't think my opinion really matters. Or: I know I could be growing my people, but why should they listen to me when I'm no expert? If you've ever had similar thoughts, you're not alone. A study from Cornell University shows we consistently underestimate our influence over others in the workplace. As researcher Vanessa Bohns put it: You're not invisible. You're actually more effective than you think and people are more willing to do things for you than you think. To help your level of self-awareness better match reality, we're going to do an influence inventory. This will help you not only evaluate where you stand now but also your opportunities for growth. You'll find a copy of the inventory in the exercise files for this course. It's important to realize…
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