From the course: Increase Accessibility in Digital Marketing with GenAI
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Optimize voice search
From the course: Increase Accessibility in Digital Marketing with GenAI
Optimize voice search
When I first learned to write press releases, I was told to follow the five W's -- who, what, when, where, why. And I always add, So what? The same clarity and structure are crucial in optimizing content for voice search. Voice search relies on understanding natural language queries and providing relevant information quickly and accurately. It allows people to ask questions naturally using tools like Siri or Alexa, making information more accessible, especially for those with vision impairments. The key to increasing accessibility in digital marketing with Generative AI lies in anticipating the questions people might ask, and creating content that answers those questions effectively. First, you will want to craft content that mimics how people speak, focusing on conversational phrases. It's easier to explain this kind of search intent with an example. So let's take a look at one of my favorite dishes: paella. If you wanted to eat paella, you might ask voice search, “Where do I go for…
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