From the course: Improve SEO for Your Website
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Submitting sites to search engines
From the course: Improve SEO for Your Website
Submitting sites to search engines
- The best way to have an organized site is to have sitemaps. The two main types of sitemaps are HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps. A HTML sitemap is for your website users. This allows for your website users to quickly find content on your website. An XML sitemap is a sitemap for the search engines and you can easily tell them what the pages on your website is about. This helps them to call your web pages a lot quicker. If you don't currently have an XML sitemap, you can go to and you can download one there and upload it to your website. Once you have your XML sitemap, you can literally give it to the search engines. This helps them to call your website a lot quicker and you can do this by using tools. The first tool is the Google Search Console tool. I'm going to be showing you how to use it. It's important to remember that you must sign up for an account with Google Search Console if you have a Gmail account, then this sign up process is a lot easier. This is the page…
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