From the course: How to Write a Marketing Plan
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Track your marketing plan progress with your team
From the course: How to Write a Marketing Plan
Track your marketing plan progress with your team
- [Instructor] "Don't count the people that you reach, reach the people who count." A lovely quote by David Ogilvy. How do you know if your marketing plan is working for you? You can achieve this by tracking the progress of your plan. While it may be tempting to only review metrics, data, and customer sentiment at the end of a campaign, it's helpful to review as you go. This feedback loop allows you to make changes quickly and reallocate budget or personnel as needed. Let's begin by stepping back and thinking about the overall goals of the marketing plan. We'll use a common decision-making acronym called SMART. What do you hope to achieve with your marketing plan? Try setting SMART goals that will encompass all the work and research you have done to this point. Your goal should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. In this H+ Sports example, our Specific goal is to launch a new product, Summer Hydrate,…
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