From the course: How to Train Your Brain for Maximum Growth

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Visualize goals to bring them closer

Visualize goals to bring them closer

- Well, let's talk a little bit about visualization in particular. So I want to get your take on what's that doing to our brain and the effects we might be able to harness from it. - So you know how we talked about anything new being sort of threatening to the brain? - Yeah. - What visualization does is it makes you go through a scenario or imagine a certain event or an outcome and because when you visualize it, when something similar happens in real life it's not as threatening because you've already seen it in your brain. Now there's various bits of research on visualization and the brain. For example, if somebody is in a coma and you ask them to imagine playing tennis it actually activates the parts of the brain that are active when somebody is physically playing tennis. So the whole movement parts, the hand-eye coordination, the social elements it actually activates just visualizing it even if you're in a coma,…
