From the course: How to Plan Your Website

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Research keywords for effective search engine optimization

Research keywords for effective search engine optimization

From the course: How to Plan Your Website

Research keywords for effective search engine optimization

- Google and other search engines crawl, index, analyze, and rank webpages in an effort to best match websites to what the searcher is looking for. The words on your web pages really matter to search engines. It's through cataloging them that they can best understand what your site is all about. And that should matter to you, the website owner, because when the words on your site match up with the word someone types into a search engine, you're much more likely to come up in the search results. But, having those key words, the words or phrases that someone types into a search engine on your site isn't enough. That's because yours is likely not the only website on the internet that contains those words. With billions of other sites out there, it's important to realize that keyword competition factors into search engine rankings. If another website has the same keywords as yours, but is better optimized for search engines in…
