From the course: How to Create Great Customer Experiences
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Set expectations for a customer experience you can deliver
From the course: How to Create Great Customer Experiences
Set expectations for a customer experience you can deliver
- After building anticipation, the second step in priming your customers to have a great experience is to set clear, realistic expectations. Your goal should be to set customers expectations for an experience that you can consistently deliver. Set expectations, meet expectations. Now, you may be familiar with the advice to set low expectations and exceed them, thus setting your customers up to be pleasantly surprised. But that advice is misguided. Let me explain why. Humans, your customers, love to be right. When you set their expectations appropriately and then meet those expectations with your experience, your customers get that satisfied feeling of having been right. Even better, the clarity from clear expectations reduces negative emotions that customers feel prior to an experience. Emotions like uncertainty, anxiety, doubt that come from not knowing what to expect. Clear expectations generate positive emotions, making your customers feel calm and confident that they know what…