From the course: Here Is What I See: Helpful Business English for Sharing Your Project Vision

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Role-play: A planning meeting in English

Role-play: A planning meeting in English

- Let's do a role play. - Okay Michelle, so here we are in a meeting and we're sharing ideas. So what do you think we should do about the timeline of the team party? - Well, I see it like this. People start coming in at about 7:00 PM. We have gift bags for them that also include a pamphlet highlighting our accomplishments over the last year. - Ooh, I like that. Picture this. We take lots of photos and flutter social media accounts with it as well. - Perfect. - Then here's what I'm envisioning. Everyone mingles until dinner, which is when the speeches start. - I like it. - Oh, and here's what I see. Then we introduce the keynote speaker after dessert. - Love it. (Michelle chuckling) - Okay lots of them in a row. - Lots of visions. Lots of big visions here. I want to call attention grammatically. This is interesting for our listeners here. I see it like this, but you're talking about something in the future. Instead of saying like, it will look like this or I will see this, I see it…
