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Word: Rotating a single page

Word: Rotating a single page

- [Instructor] This document which I've zoomed out so you can see more of the page features a wide table on page three. Now, if you have a wide element such as this, a table or an image, you can rotate its page horizontally to avoid cramping the item to fit on a vertical page. This process involves setting your document into three sections which are page-level formatting containers. First, before the element, set the cursor at the end of preceding paragraph. On the Layout tab, choose Breaks, Section Breaks, Next Page. And I'll zoom out a tad. You can confirm the sections by looking at the status bar for the section item. Here we're in section two but on the proceeding page, the cursor is in section one. Now if you don't see the section item on the status bar, right click the status bar and ensure that Section is chosen from the menu. On the paragraph after the element, I'm going to add another Next Page Section…
