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Taking a screenshot

Taking a screenshot

- [Instructor] The reason the key is called Print Screen is that, that was its function in the original IBM PC, pressing the Print Screen key sent a copy of all text on the screen, and it was all text back then. It sent all that text to the printer called a screen dump. This was the key's original purpose. Today, tapping the Print Screen key in Windows snaps a screenshot the entire screen which is copied to the clipboard as a graphic image. Tap the Print Screen key. Here in the Paint program, use paste to stick the image the screenshot into the document. It can be pasted into any application that accepts graphic images. If you need the screenshot sent to a file instead, press and hold the Windows key, and then tap the Print Screen key. The image is taken saved as a png graphic, and saved in the pictures screenshots folder. It's given the name screenshot with a sequence number when more than one screenshot is taken. By…
