From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Spotting a secure website

Spotting a secure website

- [Instructor] A secure website has two telltale markers, both seen in the address bar, as shown here in the Chrome web browser. The padlock icon is one, and the https part of the URL is the second. These both indicate that the data sent to this website is encrypted. For online shopping or any situation where you want to ensure that the data you send and receive is secure, recognizing these items is important. Https is the secure version of the standard http protocol. The security is referred to by the letters ssl, which stand for secure socket layer, the technology behind the security. Here in Chrome you can click the padlock icon to glean more information about the site and its security. And you can see that the connection is secure and that the site ssl certificate is valid. For LinkedIn's website you see the same items, the padlock icon and https in the URL. You can click the padlock icon, which simply confirms…
