From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Reviewing system performance

Reviewing system performance

- [Instructor] It's difficult to get to, but the performance options dialog box offers some minor adjustments to help improve overall system performance, here we go. Press the Windows + i keyboard shortcut to bring up the settings app. Choose system, and on the left side of the screen at the bottom, choose about. We're not there yet, click the advanced system settings link and in the system properties dialog box, in the advanced tab performance area click the Settings button. These top three items should entice you. To customize your PC for top performance, choose this item, adjust for best performance. And you see all the check marks go away. This choice disables a lot of the fun things that Windows can do but which also add overhead just to, for example, show a shadow under the mouse pointer or under a window. The opposite choice is to choose, adjust for best appearance. And this turns on all the items, all the fun…
