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Controlling the taskbar

Controlling the taskbar

This means that you can't move it unless you change one of these settings. Now I'm gonna unlock the taskbar, and now I can actually use the mouse to drag it to another corner of the screen. And again, this accidental dragging would really drive people nuts back in the old days. Another unlocking trick is to make the taskbar fatter, which you can do by dragging it up, shown here. And again, people didn't really like that. It annoyed them. So most people leave the taskbar locked, and that's where you do it. Down here you can set the taskbar across multiple displays, which is a great feature when your PC has more than one monitor. You can see the taskbar on both of them. This setting here controls the notification icons. Select which icons appear on the taskbar. Now, to hide them all, just flip this switch off and most of them disappear. You still have to get rid of some of the system icons, which you do by going back,…
