From the course: Getting PR Placements

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Utilizing local press

Utilizing local press

- Take note of your local reporters. You might be in an area where you could utilize local press like newspapers. So start looking at the people who are writing content about your area of expertise. The bottom line is you want to reach goals and you want to start to build a solid EPK that you can put up on your website. People are going to see that you've been printed in publications, and it's going to elevate and raise your credibility. That's what you want. You want to raise your credibility. You want to be popular. You want your information in publications. When you're building your PR timeline, number one, you need to create a custom campaign for media outlets and media people to consider you. As the go-to expert, you have to come up with a campaign to be able to be consistent to contribute to media outlets. Then you'll have to facilitate media coverage with news editors, journalists, and influencers, and utilize…
