From the course: Geospatial Raster Data Analytics in Python
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Brief recap on geospatial data and analytics - Python Tutorial
From the course: Geospatial Raster Data Analytics in Python
Brief recap on geospatial data and analytics
- We are going to start the first chapter by reviewing the most important information about geospatial data science, including the two major types of data structures: vector and raster data. Then we are going to dive deeper into raster data, including learning how such simple grids are able to store real rich spatial information. Finally, at the end of the first chapter, we are going to acquire a few different real-world datasets, which we are going to build on throughout this course. In this section, we will briefly recap the core concepts of the previous course, Geospatial Data Analytics Essential Training, to help you refresh the most important pillars of spatial analytics. First and foremost, let's revisit what spatial data is. The core definition sounds somehow as follows, geospatial data is any kind of information or data that is linked to a specific location on Earth. In other words, whatever information or data we have, it can be geospatial information as long as we can…
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