From the course: GarageBand: Podcasting
Welcome - GarageBand Tutorial
From the course: GarageBand: Podcasting
- [Voiceover] Hello, I'm Garrick Chow, and welcome to Podcasting with GarageBand. In this course, I'm going to cover the most important things you'll need to know in order to create and publish your own podcast series. Before we even get into GarageBand, though, let's start at the very beginning with a look at some of the ideas and basic considerations to keep in mind when planning out and developing the structure and format of your podcast. Then we'll talk about gear and look at some options for the types of equipment that you'll need to acquire, including microphones, audio interfaces, and headphones. Then we'll see how to set up GarageBand to use your gear and how to optimize GarageBand for podcast recording. I'll show you how to record into GarageBand as well as how to import other audio content, including music, (rock music) and then how to edit and rearrange your show using GarageBand's powerful editing tools. And lastly, we'll see how to take your finished recording, upload it to a podcast hosting service, and submit it to podcast directories, so you can start sharing your show with the world. (steady rock music) There's a lot to cover, so let's get started.
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