From the course: From Resisting to Embracing Lean: A Case Study

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The art of polishing

The art of polishing

(logo swooshing) - Excited to have you be out here on the floor! - Yes! - So, you will be part of our training program out here. 'Cause these are the guys that really have an opportunity to grow. I'll be introducing you to Wilson. - Okay. - And he's I think already got matched to you over this presentation. He's handing this presentation off to another teammate. - Okay. - When he started he was significantly nervous. - Okay. - And we've seen him blossom over the last few months. - Nice, nice. - And so, I want to introduce you here to Wilson. Wilson, this is Ron. - Ron. - And to his co-worker Rialdo. - So, before we start, what I wanted to do. To explain to everybody watching this video, that we're going to do something that we've never done here before at Gemba Academy. We're going to have our presenters speaking Spanish. Juan Pablo is going to translate real-time in English. So, I'm hearing Juan Pablo 'cause I don't…
