From the course: Facebook for Creative Pros
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Why post work samples? - Facebook Tutorial
From the course: Facebook for Creative Pros
Why post work samples?
- Before we get into the specifics of how to prepare your digital files and some specific posting techniques, let's first talk about why. It's really important that you build an online digital portfolio, and while you'll likely have a website or another dedicated portfolio site, it's pretty important that these assets also end up on Facebook. What we're looking for is to translate the real-world version of this into something that's a little bit more accessible, particularly to a broad audience. Ideally, what you're going to be able to do is share your skills as a photographer, a videographer, an editor, a motion graphic artist, a content creator. For example, in my case, I find that it's good to share my passions, letting folks see the subject matter that I'm interested in, as well as letting them see some of my behind-the-scenes adventures and the travel that I do and the way that I go about making my photos.…
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Why post work samples?3m 4s
Prepping photos6m 8s
Posting photos3m 5s
Creating albums3m 27s
Prepping video with Adobe Media Encoder7m 20s
Prepping video with Apple Compressor2m 46s
Posting video4m 38s
Prepping graphics3m 17s
Posting graphics2m 1s