From the course: Facebook for Creative Pros

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Why go mobile?

Why go mobile?

- At the start of this course, we talked about how so many users are using mobile Facebook. In fact, almost 90% of Facebook's users are using mobile at least some of the time. Well, this means that going mobile and making mobile friendly content is very important. The key here is that with a mobile device, you could stay connected with your audience all of the time. Facebook has a myriad of apps, including Messenger and pages and advertising and business tools. So you can do a lot from your phone on the go. Facebook is quite capable on your mobile device. And while you're used to just browsing and looking at the content there, there's a lot you could do. A simple search in the app store on your platform for Facebook will bring you out a myriad of tools. Notice, the obvious ones for consumption of Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram, but as we move past some of this let's click on Facebook itself for a moment to dig…
