From the course: Facebook for Creative Pros

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Monitoring messages

Monitoring messages

- One thing that I like about the Facebook app ecosystem is that it makes it easy to stay in touch. On your smartphone or mobile device, you can get tons of messages from collaborators, teammates, and clients. You'll notice for example, here in Facebook, in the upper corner, I have some unread messages. Tapping that will actually switch me to the Messenger app. And if you don't have it installed, you'll see some limited functionality within Facebook, but Messenger does so much more. Here, you can see all sorts of great options. We can go ahead and easily stay in touch with folks. The blue dot indicates messages that I need to respond to that I haven't gotten back to yet. Also the green dot indicates that the person is currently logged in. So if I respond to them, it's possible that I'll get a very quick response. Well, this is great because it helps you prioritize some of your messages or know who you can reach out to. Not…
