From the course: Developing a YouTube Strategy

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Optimize for search

Optimize for search

- [Instructor] If you haven't already heard, YouTube is the world's second largest search engine. That's right, out of the whole world. So building your video around frequently searched keywords is key. Uh, no pun intended. I mean, not doing that would be like being invited to the world's second best party and just deciding not to show up. But just tagging your video with keywords isn't enough, so let's go over some handy tips so your video can rank high in search. First, you need to find good keywords. Good keywords are keywords that are heavily searched but don't have a lot of competition. To find these, I recommend investing in the YouTube plugin, TubeBuddy. With TubeBuddy, you can use the keyword explorer tool to see how your potential keywords rank, as well as see their search volume, competition, and optimization strength. Plus TubeBuddy will suggest other related keywords so you can find even better ones.…
