From the course: Designing a Presentation
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Exploring backgrounds in presentations
From the course: Designing a Presentation
Exploring backgrounds in presentations
- [Instructor] When choosing backgrounds for slides that will contain text, charts, or graphics, clarity and contrast will be your main consideration. In my experience, solid colors with contrasting content will always work as they allow for complete focus on the content, letting it really shine. And after all, less is more, as is often said. As a simple rule of thumb, and especially if you know you're presenting in a large room, dark backgrounds will work really well, as they don't over-illuminate the environment and your content can really come through. Dark backgrounds are also considered to be quite formal, and that may also be influential on your choice. Conversely, light backgrounds can work well in brightening a smaller venue. They seem much less formal, and if you're using gradients like this one, they can create a vignette effect that draws the eye into the content. You can also be quite playful with gradients too, and they are great for evoking mood. Video backgrounds can…
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Color2m 26s
Type2m 37s
Challenge: Typography1m 2s
Solution: Typography2m 29s
Words and lists2m 11s
Images and graphics4m 13s
Contrast1m 15s
Layout2m 44s
Creating a presentation layout3m 44s
Challenge: Create a layout54s
Solution: Create a layout2m 2s
Using videos in presentations1m 57s
Exploring backgrounds in presentations1m 16s