From the course: Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Insights and Innovations
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Challenge: My first TensorFlow model - TensorFlow Tutorial
From the course: Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Insights and Innovations
Challenge: My first TensorFlow model
(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Wow, we have covered a lot of ground with deep learning with TensorFlow. Next, we are going to work on a challenge where you get to practice the learnings from importing libraries to standardization, to pre-processing, to creating the model, training the model, evaluating the model, and finally, creating the figures to see the results of our deep learning model. So if you are ready, meet me in the code spaces, and from the left pane, find the SRC folder and find the 03_07_challenge Python file. So in this Python file, you will see that we have the libraries pre-installed for us, including TensorFlow, SK Learn data sets, SK Learn model selection, SK Learn pre-processing, Mat Plot Lib, and so on. So in the challenge file, we can already see that the California housing data set is preloaded for us and assigned to housing. Next, our data set is split into X train, X validation, Y train, and Y validation for us. So we will go ahead and tackle the problem as…
Let's create a TensorFlow model8m 43s
Preprocessing and feeding data into your model22m 6s
Monitor training and validation11m 22s
Success metrics26m 36s
Save and reuse trained models13m 23s
Autoencoders: A gentle introduction to generative models15m 10s
Challenge: My first TensorFlow model2m 4s
Solution: Building blocks to TensorFlow mastery15m 49s