From the course: Cybersecurity Foundations: Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)
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Important soft skills for GRC professionals
From the course: Cybersecurity Foundations: Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)
Important soft skills for GRC professionals
- [Narrator] Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work, including how you interact with others, how you problem solve, and how you manage your work. Being a GRC professional means your soft skills will be front and center daily. Let's dive into what soft skills are important for GRC professionals. A big part of your role as a GRC professional will be to explain non-technical concepts to technical audiences and explain technical concepts to non-technical audience. This requires some key soft skills. Here are a few that I think are really important for GRC professionals. Strong communication skills that encourage collaboration and understanding are key. Communicating with different stakeholders every day will require strong communication skills that will continually need to be refined. You have to be very clear on what is needed but also communicate in a manner that is inclusive and empathetic to all…
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