From the course: Cisco Network Security: Secure Access

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Secure Copy Protocol

Secure Copy Protocol

- [Instructor] When transferring files, we must be mindful of the fact that unauthorized individuals could read or modify file contents. There are a few ways to transfer files. If you need to list directories and/or modify, rename, move, or delete files, you'll need to use file transfer protocol. Native FTP is not secure. To transfer files securely use secure FTP, which uses Secure Shell to handle authentication and encryption. If you only need to transfer a file, you could use Trivial File Transfer Protocol. For many years, network administrators would use Trivial File Transfer Protocol, or TFTP, which is a light weight file transfer protocol that uses UDP. TFTP is an unauthenticated, unsecured plaintext file transfer method. A large configuration file could send a lot of small packets across the network. Let's take a look at a TFTP file transfer with CloudShark. I'm in CloudShark, which is a free protocol analysis…
