From the course: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) v1.1 (200-301) Cert Prep

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Password best practices

Password best practices

(ethereal music) - [Instructor] One of the ways that we can protect our data is requiring somebody to log into a device before they can access that data. And in this video, we're going to talk about some password best practices in addition to some password alternatives. And a lot of companies have developed a password policy. That's a collection of rules that specify how a user or has to create a password and how those passwords are going to be managed within the organization. And these rules might include such things as the complexity of a password. Maybe it cannot be a three letter word like cat, all in lower case. Maybe the password policy requires that we have both upper and lower case letters, maybe special characters and numbers. And a three letter word like cat is not very long. That would be subject to a brute force attack, where somebody could try lots and lots of passwords until they came upon the correct password. So a password policy might say we need to have a minimum…
