From the course: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) v1.1 (200-301) Cert Prep

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JSON formatting

JSON formatting

(energetic music) - [Instructor] As data is flowing back and forth between our application and our SDN controller, it needs to be formatted. And there are different ways that we can format that data. But a really popular way is called JSON. That stands for JavaScript Object Notation. And the big goal behind having the JSON format is so that it can be readable by humans. But even though that's the goal, if we're looking at a really complex JSON data set where there's lots of nesting going on, it could look a little bit intimidating. So our goal in this video is to simplify that for you. We want break it down so you can look at any JSON data set and realize it breaks down to just two simple structures. The first structure is going to be called an object, and that's a collection of name/value pairs. And we're going to have something else called an array, and that's an ordered list of values. Let's talk about each one of these and be able to recognize these. First, let's consider the…
