From the course: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) v1.1 (200-301) Cert Prep

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Ethernet standards for fiber optic cables

Ethernet standards for fiber optic cables

(euphoric music) - [Narrator] Let's think about fiber optic cabling and recall that we have two broad categories of fiber optic cabling, multimode fiber, and single mode fiber. MMF, in other words, and SMF. With MULTIMODE, or MMF, we typically have shorter distances that we can travel because we have multiple modes of light in this fiber optic core. Then we could have multi-mode delayed distortion where one binary bit literally passes up another binary bit because of the way that that other binary bit is bouncing back and forth and back and forth off of the cladding. We don't want to corrupt our data by going too far on a multimode fiber and 100BASE-FX uses multimode fiber and this is what I used at a university where I used to work and it would run 100 megabits per second and we would interconnect buildings using 100BASE-FX. There was a two kilometer distance limitation and that was fine for interconnecting any two buildings we had on campus. A less expensive version was 100BASE-SX…
