From the course: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) v1.1 (200-301) Cert Prep

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- [Instructor] In this video, we want to take a closer look at encryption. How do we scramble up data such that if a bad actor intercepts that data, they're not going to be able to read the data because it's all scrambled up. However, the intended recipient, they are able to read the data. And there are two broad categories of encryption I want you to know about. The first one is symmetric encryption. Now, symmetric means that the source and the destination for this encrypted traffic, they're going to have a symmetric key. And a key is a big long string of data that can be used to unlock or decrypt our encrypted data. And a symmetric key means the source and the destination have the same key. It's called a shared secret key. And you might wonder, how do we get that shared secret key to those different devices? Well, one way is to do it out of band where maybe we call somebody up on the phone and we have them enter this shared secret key, or we give it to somebody on a USB flash drive,…
