From the course: CCSP Cert Prep: 4 Cloud Application Security
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Privilege escalation
From the course: CCSP Cert Prep: 4 Cloud Application Security
Privilege escalation
- [Instructor] Software developers must take care to write code that is not susceptible to privileged escalation attacks. These attacks seek to take normal user accounts and transform them into accounts with administrative rights. This can be especially dangerous on systems that have external exposures, allowing someone on the internet to take control of a server. These privilege escalation vulnerabilities often arise as a result of buffer overflow issues or other security issues in code that allow an end user to execute arbitrary code on the server. When the end user gets access to the underlying operating system, they can take advantage of privilege escalation vulnerabilities to leverage that access into gaining administrative privileges. There are some basic mitigation strategies that developers and operations teams can take to reduce the likelihood of successful privileged escalation attacks. First, developers…
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Common cloud vulnerabilities5m 36s
Application security4m 13s
Preventing SQL injection4m 25s
Understanding cross-site scripting3m 17s
Request forgery4m 8s
Directory traversal3m 6s
Overflow attacks3m 21s
Cookies and attachments4m 25s
Session hijacking4m 8s
Code execution attacks2m 43s
Privilege escalation1m 56s